So we put the Onion sample on the Slide (Big Rectangle Glass) then dropped 2 drops of Iodine on it then put the small glass Covering on-top of the Slide. It looked cool. We also had samples of things from Humans like Muscle, Liver, an etc that we could look at through a Micropscope.
Then I had History, we talked more about Henry Ford and his Son and the Model T and new Model A. Then I had Math, then a Break. I had a snackbar. Its weird at St. Andrews because they eat lunch at 1:10 PM, but in City we ate at like 12 or 11:30 AM. I had CAD, the computer class after break for 2 periods. Then after Lunch for 40 minutes (which is more than City lunch) I had Spanish. We learned some phrases for the first page of our project that is due September 16. Last, since It is tuesday today, we had 2 periods of Lectures at the end of today. They did not have anyone to lecture, so we got out at 3:25 instead of 3:50 which was cool.
I took the bus home, and when I got to my stop, I looked across the Street, and saw a huge crowd of people waiting for the bus across the street from me It was crazy!
We had Tacos for dinner. After Dinner, Me and levi went out to play Pokemon Go. We played for about One hour and a Half. We went to St. Stephens Green, I got to level 11. We got some new Pokemons I have never had before. Levi had to be home by 8 so I took him home.
Yesterday, I got a Package from Papa. It was my SremmLife2 Package. It had a Shirt, the CD, and the autographed Booklet.
Tomorrow, I have a Half day, so we will see how that Goes. When School actually gets harder I might not get to post every day, so I might post only mabye twice or once a week but that will be enough because school Isnt that fun. It will get more cool when I go on more trips and stuff.
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