Tuesday, September 13, 2016

New Phone! Learning to Juggle! (Past 3 Days)

       I think I will be posting now every other or 3 days because not a lot happens but each post will be more information and cool to write! First, on Sunday, we were walking down on Grafton just for fun and we stopped in at the 3 Store to check out when Oma could switch her plan later this month when her contract in the US ran out. Just for fun we looked at some phones and plans that I could get if I wanted a Phone in Ireland. There was a cool deal that we found at the 3 store where it was you buy the phone, then its 20 euro a month to have unlimited data and calls, and you have to stay with them 7 months, but after that you can use the phone with any phone service you want! We wanted that one if I was to get a phone since I would be in GR for a whole summer and I would want phone service. We looked at a couple of phones, and we saw a HTC for 160 Euro, and I decided to get it!

       It looked like a really nice phone! It ran off of Android, but I still kept my Ipod. I would mostly use it for Calling, Texting and playing Pokemon Go everyday. I tried it and it was really cool. At first it could not download apps but it worked after about an hour. I got all the apps I wanted then I tried playing Pokemon Go. It did not seem to work. I quickly went over to the 3 store and the guy helping me had the same phone and checked what his settings was on and there was like a "High Accuracy" setting for the GPS part of settings and he fixed it. Now I can play Pokemon Go everyday! And I have unlimited Data! Also I make 20 Euro a week so thats good to pay off my Bill each Month.

        Also, I have been learning how to Juggle. The most throws I have gotten now is about 30 now. I just got that about a minute ago. I took a video of me juggling on my New Phone for Instagram:

     Its hard because you always have to be looking up at the balls and you cant look when you catch them. You have to be able to catch them without looking at your hands. The Circus guy said "Its all about perfect throws." I have 3 bouncy balls that I can use as Juggling balls, but I ordered some off of Amazon in Ireland and they should be here in a week or so. 

      On Grafton Street, there is always someone performing or playing music or something. 


         I play Pokemon Go on the ways to School and back because I can play while riding on the bus, and it gets me far on my eggs that I need to walk either 2k, 5k or 10k to hatch. I have 2 10k eggs right now. One is at like 9k the other is at like 5.7k and riding the bus helps me hatch them. Since they are both 10k eggs they are rare so I cant wait to see what I will get out of them. I will probably hatch my closest 10k egg thats at 9k tonight when I go Pokemoning. It doesnt take long to walk 1k mabye one time around St Stevens Green. 

       School Is more fun now. The food is good and I know where everything Is now. Im going to Sign up for Badmitton, and go to Creative Writing Clubs Thursday during lunch. I tried eating Lunch at break and It felt better eating at 11:30 instead of at 1:10. I dont understand how they can eat Lunch so late in the day.

      I ordered a lot of things off of Amazon. Juggling balls, an Elgato (records xbox gameplay), a new Webcam, a new cord for the xbox 360 and I am planning to order a new Alienware laptop soon. It is one of the best gaming laptops that you can find. It will be for recording gameplay and stuff so I will order that soon. The Busses plan to be on strike again Thursday and Friday so I will have to take the dart. The dart is right next to the Water so mabye I can get some more Water Type Pokemons. And the DART, for people who dont know, is like a train that goes on the coast and transports up and down Dublin. I can take that or the Bus to school. The Bus is faster, but when I take the Dart, there is a Subway on my way from the dart station to home on the way home from school. I usually get home at 4:40 - 4:50 PM when I take the Dart which is not that much later than 4:30 PM when I get home taking the Bus. 

        One thing that I have noticed about Ireland is that the kids in school say that Its to hot when Its not really hot and Its to cold when its not that cold. I guess they are not used to very hot or cold and need it just the exact right temperature. I dont really feel that it has ever been to cold or to hot since I have moved to Dublin. Since it never snows I will probably never have to wear a coat or anything so thats cool. 

       Also, Me, and 2 other students were called in to the Transition Year office to pick 18 names at random of who would not be going on the Ski Trip to Italy in the winter. We each had to pick 6 random numbers in-between 1-88, I hope that I got in, I probably did. But if I did not, it is still not horrible, at least I would have a break where I could fly back to the US for about a week and see my Dad and go to a few concerts. Run In the Dark I also signed up for. It is at 11 PM I think on November 16, which was the date of the Selena Gomez concert that I was going to see at 3 Arena, but she canceled. Now I can do the run in the dark. I chose the 5k not the 10k. Ofcourse the first thing I thought about was Pokemon Go, and I could run with my Phone on in my Pocket and hatch a 5k egg. Thats all I think that I have done the past 3 days. 

          We are having Tacos Tonight in an hour at 6 PM, its 5:10 PM now. Comment If you like this blog more than every day blogs because there is more Information or if you just like a daily blog with not as much info. This seems like it would be more fun to read but thats just my opinion. I have to do some Spanish Homework (probably like 14 minutes) and I did most of my Piano when I got home. I will practice more Juggling and mabye I can juggle for a straight 60 seconds!




  1. This is a great blog! I'd like this kind every day. Your creative writing club will help you too. (Note when to use too). I'm glad you are liking school, transition year is a good time to move to Dublin. Maybe you can explain what transition year is for everyone not in Ireland, since this is like the only country who does it!

  2. I liked your blog today! I don't blame you for wanting to do it less often and having more to talk about.
    Please just keep it up!

  3. Hey! I was in creative writing for years! It was fun! If you want to blog, you need to write in an entertaining way, so this will help you. Good work!

  4. I agree with GMA, just keep writing! :)

  5. Hello Jackson, very cool blog. I have learned alot about Ireland from you so far, now maybe I will even visit. I attended Junior High (Otto) and HS (Sexton) with your mom, and now I teach HS Math in Detroit. I am going to tell my students all about your blog, and maybe some of them will read it too!!!! Tell your mom that Janine said Hi and I hope you have a successful year in school.

    1. That is awesome Janine! Thanks a million (that is what they say here!) Come and visit us in Dublin, we have a guest bedroom and then you can be a guest blogger that your kids will surely follow!! So glad you are FB now, so great to reconnect! Kitty

  6. So, why do they have to pick 18 kids to not go on the trip. That seems a bit harsh!
