Saturday, October 29, 2016

Teachers Strike, Halloween Party, Resume

      Last Weekend, I was in London! I did not get back until Monday Night, so I did not go to school Monday. I went Tuesday. Tuesday was a normal day, and Wednesday was a half day, I had a piano lesson. Wednesday, at 1:10 PM, I went down to the water and walked along the water to Blackrock and back for Pokemon. I was outside of the wall that separates the Water and the Dart tracks.

           I went back for my Lesson, and I was home by 5 PM. Thursday, we did not have school because the Teachers were striking for Equal Pay. They have 7 strike dates planned but they said they hope it can be resolved before they have to strike 6 more times. It was fun to have a fun day off. I walked 25 Kilometers on Thursday. I ran 5 of them, and walked about 20 for Pokemon Go. Im trying to run every night to train for the 5k that I have on November 16 for Mark Polluck.

       I walked all the way down the Liffey, to Grand Canal dart station.

         Friday, we had a Half day because a lot of people were going to the Schools Hockey match or somthing. It might have been another sport but I do not like sports so I did not go. I was out at 1:10 PM and I went to Dun Laoghaire to go Pokemoning.

       Today which is Saturday, Me, Levi and Oma walked down by the Liffey to see a new food market place. It was called Temple Bar Markets. They had good food there. I got a Chocolate Crepe. It was delicious.

         We walked back. My Dads flight got Delayed because there was a fire on an Airplane right before he was going to fly over, so his flight got canceled. He will be here Sunday at about 10 AM. He is not going to get a rental car because we wont really need it, we will just use the Buses and the Dart. We are going to go out to eat tomorrow I think somewhere new!

        Also, we are having a Mini halloween party Monday night, and Chance is coming over, and we are probably going to walk down town somewhere at night and Ill have my costume and we can have subway.

       -October 29, 2016

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