Monday, October 3, 2016

Monday Badminton, LAPTOP?!

      Today was Monday, I had to wear my nice clothes. I went to bed late because I had a lot to do, and woke up at 7 AM. I got on my nice clothes and left for the Bus. I got to school at 8:20 AM. I had English First, We continued to watch Donnie Darko, it is a really good movie so far. SPHE we talked about how to make like a really healthy meal and things like that. Spanish, we got worksheets on "Friends" because thats the next assignment that will be due for our Project in the end of March Due.

        I had a Cheese and Ham sandwich. It was not a regular sandwich because instead of 2 pieces of bread, it was inside of a Croissant. It was really good, and It looked exactly like this.

        I also had Doritos and Cookies. I had Math and History after Break. History was fun. We got a 500 word assignment that was due in a month. I had Visual Arts for the last 3 Periods of the day. I worked on taking my pictures of plants and pixelating them on Photoshop and working more on my booklet. 

     After School, I had Badmintion. From 4-5 PM. I played someone, then the rest of the time we just messed around. I played Pokemon Go on the way home from school. I got home and I saw a Package that was laying on the floor. I did not think it was mine because mine was suppost to come October 8. It was for me so I think it is my Laptop, because when I ordered my other things, they came before the Amazon Website said they were due to come! Im so excited to open it after dinner!!!
