Saturday, October 1, 2016

No More Bus Strike! Golf

        Friday, I was able to take the Bus again since there was no more Bus strike. I got up at 7 AM and put on my sports uniform. I was glad I did not have to wear my Uniform Today. I walked over to Coffee Angel to get a Hot Chocolate, then walked over to the Bus. I got to school at about 8:20 AM. I had my 4 main classes today and Social Development. We watched a new movie in English called Donny Darko. I handed in my Spanish 100 words for the March big project that is due.

      In Social Development we kept watching Hotel Rawanda. This is the second time I have seen it and its a very good movie. At 1:10 AM, I met with Chance and we figured out how to get to Golf. We walked down to the Bus stop and waited for Bus 145. On the paper it said it came every 10 minutes, but we had to wait about 15 minutes for it to get there. We got on, and the other people in our group were on the Bus already. They got on the Bus one stop before us probably. We got there and we walked down a long road until we got to the Golf place.

       We spent the day hitting Golf Balls into the field. I was really bad. It was hard to get the right technique. Then, we had to pick up all of the Golf Balls. We used long tubes that we could push them down onto a ball and it would go up the tube and made it easier to collect Golf Balls off of the Grass.

          I took the Bus straight home from the Golf Area. It said it would take me 56 minutes to get home and that was about accurate. Chance got off at school, and I stayed on until I got to Fitzwilliam Square. I walked home and started Piano since we had a party at 5:30 PM. My mom had planned it and I guess she invited a lot of people from Levis school ISD (International School of Dublin) and there were a ton of little kids. Its cool since all of them were not Irish. They ran around the house a lot. Jonahs Pokemon Go Glitched at one point and he saw a Snorlax Sighting by St. Stevens Green so I ran outside while it was raining and went to try to catch it. Snorlax is a really good Pokemon BTW. I caught it about half way down Leeson Street. 

           I played 2 songs on the Piano for people at the near end of the party. I also talked to this guy named Carlos. He works at Gamestop and he gets to see the Trailers early, test out games and devices and things and gets to play new games early. He has played Infinite Warfare and said He could get me a copy for free or for less money. After the party I helped take out the Trash, then I watched some YouTube before I went to bed. I also am going to watch Season 1 of Stranger Things again since it is SO good!

             Saturday, I woke up at 7 AM, and went to go Pokemoning, Like usual. I went down the Canal, and it was cold and rainy so I went back to St. Stevens Green and went home and I was home by 9 instead of 10. My feet were really cold since I was wearing flip flops. I watched Episode one of Stranger Things, then I took a nap from about 10 - 11:40 AM. Then I went to see that Oma and Levi went to the Food Co Op. I went back to bed and at 1 PM I was going to do Piano, and Homework and things. 
