Friday, October 7, 2016

Golfing, "The Project of Me"

      Thursday, I continued to work on "The Project of Me" that is due Thursday October 11. I started it Tuesday, and I have the Introduction done, and my Old Schools done. I plan to work on it a lot this weekend. Anyways, Thursday, I had to wear my uniform. We did not have History Today which was not fun because History is my favorite class. English, we finished Donny Darko.

       Donny Darko was set back in the 1980s but made in like 2006. Its about Donny Darko who like keeps having these weird dreams where he sees "Frank" in a scarry bunny mask costume, and one night, he went outside his house because he was hallucinating that he was seeing Frank, and a Plane Turbine hit his room. If he had not Hallucinated he would have been dead. The rest of the movie is basically he meets a girl, and then at the end, she gets run over by a guy, and he was the one who had the costume. Donny shoots him because he was dating the girl, then he reverses time to let the girl live but this time he stays in his room so the Turbine hits and kills him. The girl lives, but she never remembers meeting Donny, so its kind of sad.

      Friday, I had History First hour, and there was a fire alarm. We all went out to the Green Court farthest away, then we went back in. In Spanish, we had a sub, she came in and said the teacher had given us no work, but then our teacher that was suppose to be out, came in and the sub actually had the wrong room, so that was ashame. Then, suddenly in that class there was another fire alarm, but while we were walking to the Green Court AGAIN, we were told it was a false alarm. I had English and Math still before break when I usually eat. English, we watched the end of Donnie Darko again for the people who were not here Thursday. Math, we basically did nothing.

         At 1:10 Me, Chance, and Connell went to the Bus stop to go to the Golf Course. We got there and we were doing putting, and practicing hitting. I was getting better at actually hitting golf balls. I was OK a putting. It was pretty fun.

      Im working on The Story of Me currently. These are some pictures of the Front page, and some of the Table of Contents and the next page. It is going pretty well so far! I have the weekend and Monday. I still have to talk about my families, my Traveling and my Piano. 

               October 7, 2016

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