The first day that I went to GameStop, I reorganized the huge shelf that they had right next to where they were all working. I had to organize the shelf by license because that is how they know they are able to sell things. Here is a picture of the shelf that I organized. This is all LOOT.

I was working with the LOOT people, the whole other side of GameStop which is computers, and not the actual Games. There is the Games like for Xbox and Playstation, but there is also the LOOT which is sold in stores, which is like the mugs for different things like marvel mugs, and harry potter mugs, and wands and statues and things like that that is called LOOT. The people I worked with place orders and work with venders to get LOOT and then they set it up in stores in Ireland and also in the Nordic region to sell LOOT.
The typical day was that I would arive at 9 AM, and at around 10:00 or 10:30 AM we would have breakfast. There was a cafe built right into the GameStop building so I was able to buy breakfast things. They had very delicious food. We would eat lunch around 1:00 PM or 2:00 PM depending if we were hungry or not. It is very different from USA where we would eat lunch at Noon normally. For lunch I would always have brought a lunch from Tesco. There is the 3:50 Euro lunch deal at Tesco for 3:50 you can get a water, a sandwich or a wrap, and a bag of chips. I brought my lunch to GameStop every day.
I got to do things like place orders for LOOT, work with their system and learn about how they keep track off all of their LOOT on order, and I also got to help Anastasija work on a website that was not live yet but it had things like Pre-Order booklets, and I helped make the High-End Pre Order Catalogue for that website. I also got to work with the software that makes all of the promotions for GameStop purchases. Basically if there is any deal that is like for example, buy 3 for the price of 2 at a GameStop store, the people I work with have to make that promotion in this software, and check to make sure that if you buy 3, that the system automatically gives it to you for the discounted price. They have a room where they can use a system that they use in the GameStop stores but right from where they work. They work in 2 major regions. Ireland and Nordic regions. It was very cool to work at GameStop.
Friday, which was my last day, I was given a StarWars bag with some LOOT inside of it as a gift. It was SO nice of them to give to me, because it had a lot of value inside of it! Inside was a Zelda watch, a StarWars mug which was AWESOME, and the best thing ever, a BATARANG. Thursday, we got 3 of the batarangs in and I put them on the shelf, and they ended up giving one to me. It is so awesome, and is not cheap, it was so nice of them! Here are pictures of them!
The batarang was made of Aluminum and had magnets and a hinge to fold it in half. It was so nicely made! Also, the case opens up and you can mount it on the wall just like a picture frame. I will have to mount it in my room! It was so awesome working at GameStop and the team was very nice. We talked about our favorite Horror Movies. I start school again Monday and then I get Thursday and Friday off for St. Patricks Day!!!
-March 10, 2017
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