Thursday, March 23, 2017

Back to School, 3 day week!

     Wednesday, I had to go back to school. I woke up at 7:30 AM, and got my uniform on and went to school on the bus. Wednesdays are half days so I had my Piano lesson at 1:50 PM, so I would get home at about 3:30 PM, and I would have Piano done giving me more time to work on other things. I had my 4 main classes Wednesday. English, Math, History and Spanish. Then, I had 80 minutes of Physics and we talked about life on other planets and how the human race will be extinct within the next 100,000 years and all the usual stuff.

At 1:10 PM, we got out of school, and I walked over to the Music building to have my piano lesson at 1:50 PM. I had my piano lesson, and after that, I walked to the bus stop and went home. Once I got home, I did a lot of Spanish homework to prepare to do a Spanish project that is due Monday. 

Thursday I got up and went to school again. I was lucky that I had 2 substitute teachers today, one for my English class, and one for my Advanced Math class. I was glad I had my Advanced Math class free for 80 minutes so that I could work on my Spanish homework and other things. I got home tonight and Me, Levi and Oma walked down to Ginos Ice Cream right next to the St. Stevens Green Shopping Center. Me and Levi got ice-cream and Oma got a crepe. 

Tomorrow is Friday already. Since I got to skip Monday and Tuesday it feels like it is not Friday yet but it is. I get to wear my sports uniform tomorrow which is good. I still have not gotten my 'Career in Detail' project back yet. I really want to get it back to see what I got on it because I put a ton of work into it. Tonight I also did another chapter of Economics on-line. I have 8 chapters and I am finished with 3 of them. I can definitely finish Economics by May 20th. I am continuing to save money for Me and my Dads trip to California June 16-18th. That will be really fun!! I have about 420$ saved up so far. That covers the hotel, and now I just need for food and transportation from the LAX airport to Anaheim. 

-March 23, 2017

-Jackson Glasser

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