Friday, March 17, 2017


     Friday was St. Patrick's Day, and I woke up at 10:30 AM. There was a huge parade in Dublin today and it started at Noon, and we had seats that we had bought tickets for right in front of Christ Church. Me, Oma, My Mom and Levi got some blankets because it was cold, and we started to walk to Christ Church to watch the parade. We first went to St. Patrick's Cathedral first on accident thinking it was Christ Church, then we got redirected to Christ Church and got to our seats. We had brought my 2 Michigan State blankets because they were Green. 

Once it was Noon, we had to wait about another Hour before the Parade actually reached us. We first saw a Golden Carriage with some Green Cars that were sponsoring the parade.


We had some people that were asking us questions about the history of the parade and St. Patrick's day. Once the parade started, there were a ton of different things in it. There were huge floats with people that made awesome costumes. We first saw some guys in uniforms walk by first. 

There were a lot of bagpipes in the parade also!

There were a lot of marching bands from the United States and other places like the Bahamas that were in this parade which was really cool, because Dublin does not really do anything in any schools like Marching Band, so they get to see a Marching Band from the United States. This marching band was from Illinois State University and everyone was cheering where we were sitting because a lot of them were visiting from USA for St. Patricks Day. 

There were some Dogs in the parade also!
It started to rain a little bit during the parade but luckily my Mom had brought ponchos that we put over ourselves. The parade was about an Hour and a Half long. Me and Levi bought horns earlier and were using them the whole parade.

Levi with his Horn. 
I got a free hat from one of the people by our seats who was talking to us over a Microphone. 

After the Parade was over, we walked to a place in St. Georges Arcade to get some Frozen Yogurt and Levi got some pancakes. 

Then, we walked to TK Max to get some Shampoo for me and then we walked home. My Spartan blankets were wet from the rain so I was going to wash them. Most of us were wet from the rain that had rained on us. The parade was fun and tomorrow Me and Levi are going to Gamer Con at the Convention center.

-March 17, 2017


  1. How fun! Love all your pictures. Your weather looks like ours today. Cloudy, started with
    snow and now turning to rain! Happy Day to all of you.

  2. What a great way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day! :)
