Saturday, August 27, 2016

Went to Ex-Pat Party, & Lobster Festival!

     Today, We were going to go to an Ex-Pat party for my moms work. It was all people who my mom worked with and now they all moved to work in Ireland. We first went to return some of my School Uniform clothes that did not fit me. Then, we walked to My Moms friends Rons house. From there, He drove us to Johns house for the Ex-Pat party with all the people from Perrigo. The house was way up in the country on a high hill we had to drive on for a while. Here is a picture of Me and Levi standing in front of the House:

     The house was really cool. It was made out of rocks but looked new inside. There were 2 floors and a lot of space for grass and running around. There was food like Burgers and Hot-Dogs. We got to hear a Bagpipe Performance from Johns Wife.

     We stayed at the party a while, until about 5 PM. Then, we were going to go to Dalkey for a Lobster Festival. My mom wanted to compare what the Lobster tasted like here compared to in Maine. 


     The lobsters were more dark and black shelled then in Maine. I did not have any, but everyone who had some said it tasted good. I just ate some of the French Fries that came with the Lobster. After that, we went to the DART, and took that to Pierce station, and walked home from there.



  1. Wow...those look like some serious old shells but they still turn red when you cook 'em!

  2. Those lobstahs look yummy! I'd go back again tomorrow for some crab!

  3. They were almost black shells when alive. And they are charging 21 euro for a HALF of a lobster that they cut right down the middle. They boiled them and then grilled them. They tasted good and Oma had her glass of Guiness! It was a beautiful day and so much fun!
