Monday, I got my Math test back and I got 100 % which I was happy with and so was my Mom. I went to Badminton on Monday, and we had lots of fun. I played badminton with Gonzalo and we played against 2 other kids for most of the time. It was fun and very tiring. Monday for dinner, we had a pizza thing that my Oma made
Tuesday, I had a meeting for my U-Live acts group at 8:15 AM. I am part of the group that gets all of the acts for U-Live together. We had the list almost done, the U-Live concert is February 8, and I am performing a cool Jazzy piece. It is short but entertaining, I posted a video of it on Facebook. After school on Tuesday, I took the Bus home, then ate at KC. Peaches. I had to use the buffet because their sandwich bar was closed. It was still very good, they had pasta, meatballs, chicken wings, and other hot dishes, and rice. I ate it, and then walked to the bus stop because I had to be back at St. Andrews for a Ski-Trip meeting at 6:30 PM. I waited for the first bus, which came and it was completely full, then the next one was completely full also, so the 3rd bus that came I got on.

I got to the meeting late at about 6:40 PM. They were talking about how the Ski-Trip would go. I cant wait for the Ski-Trip, because it is in Italy, and it is going to be so fun! I am going to be in a room with Alec, Dominic, and Jack. It is 4 people per room, and the Hotel is suppose to be really nice. I am already prepared. I have all of my Ski Gear ready in my room, Im bringing my own Helmet. My Mom signed a form for them and we handed that in. At 7:30 PM, there was another meeting for 5th years going into St. Andrews, and I did not want to stay because I was doing IB, but my Mom wanted to stay so we did. We sat through it, and learned nothing new, and then we stayed for a Uganda meeting where they basically just told us that we would be sad when we dont get in because 70 people want to go but only 18 people can. Then we finally went home.
Wednesday, I usually have my piano lessons at 3 PM, which is annoying because I get out of school at 1:10 PM. Today, my Mom was able to move my lesson to 1:45 PM which was awesome because that meant that I would be done at 2:45 PM and be home by 3:30 PM which would give me a ton of extra time to work. I had my lesson and then came home. It gave me a lot of time to research and start working on my 2nd Transition Year project which was about a certain Career. I am going to choose the career "Music Producer" because it is a job I want to go into, making music. I am very interested in this career because it relies a lot on you as a person, and your passion for making music.
That project is due February 7, and since I am going to London this weekend, I have to start it now so that I can finish it by February 7. I cant wait to go to London this weekend, because while my Mom and Oma go to see a play, Me and Levi are going to go see a movie at this huge London IMAX theater. Here is a picture of it.

It loos amazing, and I might want to buy the tickets before hand because it might be completely full. It will be just Me and Levi going to see a movie. We do not know what movie yet. I am also going to London March 20 for a Drake Concert which is AWESOME.
-January 25, 2017 (WEDNESDAY)
Have a blast in London! Congrats on your math test! Your career project sounds very cool.