Once I unpacked everything last weekend, I got all of my Candy that I had brought back over to Dublin and put it on the table. I had a ton. Here is a picture.
I had a ton of Airheads, Cheetos, Mac and Cheese, Laffy Taffys, and Skittles. The sour skittles are different here than in Michigan. In Michigan, they are covered with sugar on the outside, like sour sugar, but here they are just like regular skittles but sour inside. Here is some pictures to explain what I mean. The first picture is sour skittles in the USA, and the second picture is sour skittles in Dublin.

I liked the Dublin sour skittles better when I came over with my friends in early 2016, but now I think I like the USA ones better. I got some of my friends in Dublin to try Airheads, and most of them liked it. I also brought Laffy Taffy and Hot tamales also. Monday at the end of the school day, I was drawing pictures of Giraffes, and here is what I drew.

I also have a new English teacher since it is the second half of the school year. I have English now on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We are now getting a book to read, and we are going to write a book report on it, and our English teacher said that report would be our Easter Grade. Hopefully I will get an A on it, which wont be hard. I think I am going to read Paper Towns, which is about 300 pages.
Wednesday I found out that I did not have a piano lesson. I had to go to their house Saturday (which is today) so I actually had a Half day Wednesday. I got home and I worked on Ableton Live a little bit. I am still trying to figure it out there is so much to do. I had to go to an IB meeting Wednesday night with my mom, and they talked about how the IB works through St. Andrews. The CAS hours are different through St. Andrews, its not just a set amount of hours you have to do like at City, but every week, you have to do CAS hours, whether its Creative, Action or Service. Also, we need One CAS project a year, which is basically just a Service activity with other people doing something to help others.
Friday, I had Outward Bound, and I was going on a Hill Walk. It turned out that it was the same hill that was in-between Bray and Greystones. I have done that twice, so I knew the hill when we were climbing it. Here are the pictures that I took.

We took a very steep way up the hill I had never taken before, and it was very fun! After school, I took the bus right home and I got home early. I did piano, and then we had Dinner. Today is Saturday, and I am about to go to my Piano teachers house for a lesson, and my Oma is coming with me.
Also, I just found out that the Drake concert that I got for Christmas got moved to March 20, so I dont know if we are going to be able to go, since it is on a Monday, and everything was already planned.
-January 14, 2017 (SATURDAY)
Oh, J! That is a bummer about the concert. I know how much you were looking forward to that. Maybe it will still work out. Love you!