Today I signed up for a Model United Nations conference that is Friday and Saturday. I have no idea what I am getting into but I will find out. I have to wear a suit, and so does everybody else, and it is basically modeling the United Nations. Hopefully it goes well since I have not been to a conference for MUN ever before. Also, last night, me and my Mom were working on flights to possibly go see Drake after he moved his concert to March 20. Turns out that we did find flights that could make us get there on time. We are going to miss Monday and Tuesday of school to see it, but it is going to be so fun! We are going to fly into London Monday and arrive at like 2 PM so we can make it to the Concert at 6:30 PM, and then stay the night. Then, Tuesday we leave and get home in time for school on Wednesday! It is going to be so fun and I am so happy this worked out! It is March 20 so its going to be my Birthday present, and I will have a ton of time to learn more Drake songs.
Also, Sunday we went to Lunch at this really awesome place called FX Buckley which is like a Steakhouse. They also had burgers and salads. Me and Levi got the same burger, but I got some Onion rings also, they were really good, especially if you took out the onion to just eat the deep fried crust. The burger was delicious, and the french fries dipped in Ketchup and Mayonnaise were amazing. Oma loved her meal also.

Also, My Mom found a picture of Me and my History class group when we were doing a Bake Sale in order to raise money for a charity or something. Here is the picture. I was selling Puppy Chow.

Tomorrow is Tuesday, and the whole Transition year is walking to UCD at like 12:30 PM to see a hockey match or something. Im just excited that I get to wear my more comfortable clothes that are more comfortable than my actual uniform but are still St. Andrews gear. Wednesday I am taking the bus to my Piano teachers house for a lesson. I am currently reading "Paper Towns" by John Green, and I really like it! He is the one who wrote "The Fault in our Stars". It was made into a movie like 3 years ago and I have seen it so I am reading the book now. Then, I want to watch the movie again after I finish it. This is for a book report that is due February 9.

-January 16, 2017 (MONDAY)
Such great adventures you are having.