Saturday, January 21, 2017

January 17-20 Blog!

              Last Tuesday, I went to supervision instead of History because Ms. Gavin was not there. Supervision is basically just a room where you have 40 minutes to do whatever work that you have to do like homework. I studied for my Math test that I had on Friday. I had found out that I had a Math test on Monday, so I had a week to study for it. I studied a lot.

     Wednesday I had my piano lesson, but it was not at St. Andrews like it usually is. This time it was at my Piano teachers house, which was farther south than St. Andrews. I live in Dublin where the 2 stars are, and Booterstown is where St. Andrews is. The little Red Mark on the map is where my Piano teachers house was, so it was really far away from Dublin. I went to subway before I went to my Piano lesson on Wednesday.

          I took a bus all the way to my Piano Lesson Wednesday which was at 3:00 PM. After that, my Piano teachers wife drove me back to St. Andrews then I took the bus back to Dublin, which was nice. Me and My Mom also went to an IB meeting Wednesday night after my Piano Lesson. They just talked about choosing things for IB and it was really long. Thursday, there was nothing interesting that happened but Friday, I had Rockclimbing for my Outward Bound at the end of the day. I also had my Math test Friday, which was really easy, and I think I did really well on it. At the end of the day on Friday, I took a bus to a RockClimbing place called "The Wall". It is a Rock Climbing place where there are really weird shaped walls and they are really fun to climb, there are like arches and stuff also. Here are some pictures of it. 

       It was really fun! After that, we all took the bus back to St. Andrews. All of the kids who were doing RockMUN stayed because we had to be at Blackrock College at 5 PM. I am going to do a whole separate blog on RockMUN tomorrow!

     -January 20, 2017 (FRIDAY) 

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