They all gave me a huge hug. We then got in Calebs car and went straight to see Blandfords Christmas Carol at St. Cecelias. It was pretty good, and Me, Max and Caleb got to hear all of the songs that we had to learn when we were in the Christmas Carol when we went to Blandford. After the performance, we got to go upstairs into the ball room and there was a ton of food for everybody. We also got a ton of pictures with everybody who went to it, including a ton of people from City.

After we left, Ben, Max and Caleb came over to my house to spend the night. Friday, we all got up and had breakfast. Then we were going to go over to Calebs house for a party that started at 6 PM. We had secret santas and we were going to exchange them and play games. I gave Mira a ton of chocolate, and we played games and stuff.

Then when everyone left, Me, Caleb, Max and Ben all slept over at Calebs house. We stayed up until about 6 AM, then went to bed. The next morning was Christmas eve, and Max and I shoveled my sidewalks, and my driveway. Then we had Christmas Eve, and Christmas the next day. I woke up at about 6:30 AM, and we opened our presents. I got a new headset for my Xbox 360, Ableton Live, some new snow gear, including a helmet, and also, some tickets to see Drake in the O2 Arena in London January 28th!!! I cant wait for that! Tomorrow, I am going to meet with my Cousins and Grandma Nancy and we are going to go Bowling!!!
-December 25, 2016 (Sunday, CHRISTMAS)
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