I went in to school and got there at exactly 9 AM. I had everything that I needed except a piece of artwork that I grabbed from the art room when I got to school. It was something that I had worked on in Visual Arts. It was transforming a domino into a pizza. At 9:40, I went in to talk to Ms. Taylor about my portfolio. I had a paper from English and History for my 2 from core subjects. I had my artwork, and I had things ready to talk about my extra curricular activities and my work experience plans. Everything went well, and I was out of school by 10 AM. I took the bus home, and I got subway on the way home also. Once I got home, I had my subway and then studied for my English and Spanish exams that I had on Tuesday.
Tuesday came around, and I had to be at school by 9 AM. Each exam was an hour and a half. The English exam was pretty easy, and the Spanish exam was easier. After those exams I got to go home, and then I studied a ton for my Math exam on Wednesday. Wednesday, I got to school at 9 AM, but I did not have my Math exam until 10:15 AM, because everybody else had an Irish exam from 9 AM until 10 AM, but I do not have Irish. The Math exam was not that hard, it just took a long time to do and figure out. After I finished the Math exam, I was done with exams, and I got to go home.
Thursday half of Transition Year had a Workshop and these people came in to talk to us about listening and body language and stuff. We got out of school at 1:30 PM. I went home, and then my Mom and I went to my brother Levis Market Day. Levis class made their own service or goods to sell, and it was Thursday from 2:20 until 3 PM. Levi was selling Puppy Chow, the snack made from chex mix, chocolate, and powdered sugar. Other kids in Levis class were selling candy, and chocolate covered fruit and things like that. My Mom bought from each stand in Levis class. Here is a picture of Levis stand.

Friday was really exciting because about 45 TY students went on a walk through the Wicklow Mountains. We took a bus to Wicklow, and then started our journey. They said it would take almost 5 hours, but we got done faster than that in the end.
We started on a path made of wood, and the whole time, Me, Chance, Meghan, and Dominic were in the front of the group. We traveled up a huge mountain, and it was so windy that you could lean into the wind and it could hold you up. While we were walking up the mountain, you had to walk at an angle into the wind or else it would push you more and more off of the side of the mountain. It was really windy, and cold, so my hands got cold. We ate at the top of the windy mountain sitting behind 2 huge rocks that could shield us from the wind. Here are some pictures that I got on the Wicklow Mountains.

We walked up and down mountains, and down a really big mountain on the side of it, and it was really muddy some places. A lot of people were slipping and falling in the mud. Me, Chance, Dominic, and Meghan were running down the hills and Me and Chance slipped. I only got my right leg muddy, but I heard that Max hit the mud with his whole body. There was a Dog that followed us, it was one of the teachers dogs, and we met some more dogs on the way.
We ended up getting back to St. Andrews at around 2:00 PM. Some people skipped Friday because they did not want to do the walk. From my form which is 4T, only about 9 people showed up, but we have like 25 people in 4T. The walk was really fun in the end. This weekend I am up visiting the Giants Causeway, but I am going to blog about that on Sunday or Monday.
-December 10, 2016 (Saturday)
Sounds like a fun hike! Why would anyone skip out on this? Glad you went.