Thursday, the Transition Year people had a IB presentation from Mr. Hehir, the Teacher who does all of the IB stuff. All of the Irish students did not know a lot about It, and they had to start thinking about if they were going to do IB, or do the Leaving Certificate. I knew about IB already, and that I am doing IB, so I was just there to see how the other students thought about it. IB is better for going to College in the US, which is what Im doing, because its recognized internationally.
Thursday after school, I took the Dart with Chance to his house, and we were going to have a huge Thanksgiving feast. My Mom came, and there were a bunch of other cool people there. We had a ton of Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, bread, rolls, and there was this thing that was Sweet Potatoes with Marshmellows melted into it, and It was so good! Me and Chance played some Call of Duty Zombies Nuketown. We got to round 18 I think. His house is cool. He has 2 cats, and a cute girl dog! Here is a picture of her.
Friday, we had a talk from someone who works with IB, and knows everything about it, and she was persuading everyone to do it. She talked about CAS, the Extended Essay, and TOK. (Theory of Knowledge)
Friday for the last 3 hours of school, I had Gym. We basically just did a bunch of exercises, and it was a lot of work. My legs are sore today because of Friday. Today is Saturday, and we are going to see the Nutcracker at 2 PM, then going to a thing at 6 PM where they teach you some irish dances and stuff. I already learned Irish dances at Uisce in the beginning of TY, but hopefully we will be home before 9 PM.
-November 26, 2016 (Saturday)
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