Tuesday, November 22, 2016


       Today, I officially have one more month until I go home for Christmas for about 18 days! I have only one thing on my Christmas list, and it is Ableton Live 9 which is a music making software that my friend uses, and that I am going to start using soon also! Sunday, Me and Oma got some groceries and we got a new lamp from Argos. We walked through St. Stevens Green on the way home.

     I have been working to get Work Experience. I have a lot of people that are helping me, which is awesome, and I am also trying to get ready for the Winter Fare. The Winter Fare is December 15, and I am going to order a bunch of American Snacks off of a website. I am going to get some Reeses, Jolly Ranchers, Poptarts, and some Twizzlers. I hope the American Sweets stall can make a ton of money for Uganda December 15. I think that a lot of people will buy from our stall.

      I have Christmas Exams the week of December 5, which will be only in English, Spanish, Math, and History. Sunday night, I built the Jet Gun on Transit and that was awesome.

      I cant wait to go back to GR in December, because the Christmas vibe will be much better. Also, I am going to have all of my friends over December 22, the day I get back, and then me and my dad might go see Passengers in theaters December 22 also. I also cant wait to eat Taco Bell again, and I am having a huge New Years Party for New Years, and a ton of my friends are coming to that also!!

    -November 22, 2016 (Tuesday)

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