Tuesday morning, before I went to school, I went to Coffee Angel. It was about 7:45 AM, and I was ready to walk out the door, so I went to Coffee Angel to get something to eat for breakfast. I walked over there, which took about a minute, and ordered a scone and a homemade cinnabun. I got jelly for my scone. I have never seen anybody put jelly on a scone back in Michigan, but here they are made fluffier on the inside so you can put jelly on them.
Tuesdays at school, I have PE for 2 periods in the morning. This Tuesday we played a variation of rugby. You had to tag the person with 2 hands to make them pass the ball backwards. I never had played rugby before so I kind of had to learn as I went, but when I learned all of the rules, it was pretty fun.
In physics Tuesday, we did an experiment where we had to heat 50 ml of water and record the temperature of the water each minute for 7 minutes, but we were not allowed to use any type of typer. It was a pretty pointless experiment, and we had to do this 3 times. I guess the point is that we cant always be accurate when measuring things, and we should always have + or - a certain value at the end of our measurements.
After school on Tuesday, and after dinner also, I went across the Liffey to a Korean Supermarket. It was the same supermarket that I went to the past weekend, the one that had pool tables on the second floor. I went there to get some Korean drinks. I wanted to get some of the drinks I got last time, but also some new ones, so I got some cinnamon ones for my Oma, and then a ton of the Coco Palms for Pierce and I, because those are my favorite. The guy in the shop recognised me from when I was there over the weekend, and asked if I liked Korean drinks. I told him they are very good, and I put the stuff in my backpack then took a bus back home.
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This is what I got from the Korean store. |
Wednesday was my half day. I had Theory of Knowledge today, which was fun. I also had a double physics class and a double of music. In TOK, we watched a video about a guy who was explaining what TOK was, and near the end of the class, the computer started to play random funny noises. It was really funny, so we had to stop the video and turn the volume all the way down for the rest of the class.
In my double period of music, we got 2 pieces of music that we started to analyse. We also talked about different musical modes, and medieval music to renaissance music. It was very interesting. After my double of music, school was done for the day, so I started home. I did not go home first like normal, because the store on Grafton called CompuB told my mom that they finished replacing her phones battery. I went to CompuB to pay for the fix. My mom said that I could have that phone if we got it working again. They found the problem, which was the battery, and replaced it. It is an iPhone 6. I was going to buy a new one, but this is a much cheaper option.
After I picked up the phone, then I walked home from Grafton street. Thursday (tomorrow) is my last day of school for the week because I will be going to Carlingford during Friday and Saturday. It is an Adventure Center and 5IB and 6IB are going. It should be very fun!!
-September 5-6, 2017
Thanks for the update! Hope you like your iphone. Let me know if your phone number has changed. Papa