Friday, September 15 I had my party for IB students. We invited everybody from 5IB, and most people came. We bought a ton of food for the party on Thursday. We went to Dunnes and got a lot of stuff.
We set it all up on the table in the kitchen on Friday. It looked really nice. All of the parents talked in the kitchen downstairs and the students were all upstairs partying.
I had gone to the South Korean market on Wednesday to get a lot of Coco Palms, but I forgot to hand them out at the party. The party lasted until about 11:00 PM, and it was very fun. Everybody was dancing and having a good time.
After the party, we cleaned up, and I went to sleep since I had a 5k to run Saturday. Saturday I was going to the Rainbow Run, which is an annual event in Dun Laoghaire. It is a party and a run where you get small bags filled with colored powder that you can throw everywhere, and you get covered in colors. Also, during the run, people throw colors on the runners.
Saturday morning, I got up around 9:00 AM. Right when I woke up, people were washing my window in my room from the outside. They wash all the windows on my street once in a while. I planned to meet Juho at St. Andrews at 10:30 AM. I went to the bus stop, but the next bus was not coming for 10 minutes, so I took a cab to St. Andrews. I met Juho by the front gate, and we walked down to the Booterstown Dart station. We got on the Dart, and rode it for a couple of stops. We got off at a stop near Izzies house, and walked to her house to meet Izzie along with Jenna, Leigh, Carla, Maria, Miranda and Rosie. They had all slept over at Izzies house after my Party. We met them then went to Insomnia to get coffee. I got a hot chocolate and a muffin. Then we walked to Dun Laoghaire.
Once we got there, we met up with Molly and Isabel. We all signed in and got our glasses and number.
Then I went with Juho and Molly to Dunnes to buy myself a white T-shirt, so that all the colors could show up better. The party started at Noon, there was a stage with a DJ, and a band also. There was a ton of people there, and we were all dancing for about 2 hours straight. Juho can do backflips so he did some at the party. It was insane.
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Leigh, Juho, Rosie and Me. |
The run started at 2:00 PM. We were already pretty tired from dancing for about 2 hours. We all got lined up to begin. We were running from the starting point, all the way to the end of the West Dun Laoghaire Pier, and then back to the starting point. I ran almost the whole way. It was very tiring, and I tried to run the whole race without walking. I ended up walking for about 30 seconds near the end of the 5k, but then decided to run again. It was a good practice 5k for the Run in the Dark, which will be more serious. I ran the 5k in 28 minutes, which is pretty good since I only started training September 4. Im glad I had this run to practice for the Run in the Dark. My goal for that run is to get under 25 minutes, just like last year, but maybe even 22 minutes.
This Rainbow Run was a really awesome experience, and I will be able to use it for CAS. This is the first real CAS experience that we planned. Im surprised at how many of us there were, and Im sure we will have many more fun activities like this in the future.
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Finish line of the 5k |
The next 2 people to finish together was Juho and Molly. They did a very good job. We saw everybody finish, and then there was a little after party. Once we all got back in our group, Juho, Isabel, Molly and I left to go home. We were all taking the Dart, and Juho and I had left our bags in the Registration building, so after we got are stuff, we walked to the Dart station. I got off with Juho to go to his house really quick. He is living with a host family so I got to see his room. We cleaned the color off of our faces then went to catch the 46A towards the town. I got off and said goodbye to Juho and went home.
I got home around 5:00 PM. I had to take a quick shower before we went out to dinner at Chameleon. It is an Indonesian restaurant right next to the Liffey. We took a Taxi to the restaurant because it was raining. It was nice looking inside.
Levi and I shared the Java set menu, which is 7 tapas. We shared that, and Oma and my Mom shared the Vegetarian set menu. The food was very good!
After we were finished eating, we walked home.
Sunday, I woke up at 10:00 AM. I got a lot of homework done in the morning, because I thought we had a plan to go on a walk in Killiney, but it got rescheduled later for next weekend. After doing a lot of homework, I did piano. Around 1:00 PM, I got my backpack and went out and about for a few hours.
First, I walked to Subway to get some food. After I finished my sandwich, I walked down into Temple Bar, to the shop called Candy Lab. They have candy from the US, along with drinks. I got some Arizona Ice Tea drinks, then continued to walk across the Liffey to the Korean Shop. There, I got some Coco Palms, and some noodles for me because I like to eat them right before I go to sleep. I then walked back to my house.
For dinner Sunday, we had a Turkey Breast that Oma prepared for us. It was very delicious!!
-September 15-17, 2017
Sounds like a super-fun weekend!