Sunday, June 5, 2016

Going to Ireland in a Week!!!

     Tomorrow is Monday, June 6, and a week from then, I will be going to visit Ireland with some of my friends. My friends that will be coming with me are Caleb, Ben, and Max. Here is a picture of all
of us. From left to right, its Max, Ben, Me, and then Caleb. We are leaving Monday morning June 13.

     While in Ireland, we have some plans. We have a plan to go on this Ghost Tour, which is at night, and its a tour of Dublin at night. That should be really fun! We got 7 tickets to go to the island called Skellig Michael. That island is the island in the last scene of Starwars The Force Awakens. Here are some pictures of Skellig Michael.


We are going to try to re-enact the end of that movie while we are on the island. That should be really fun!
Im going to show them around Dublin and we can just walk anywhere. 

I will blog hopefully every day while im there, and take pictures for everyone to see! Bye


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