Monday, June 13, 2016

Atlanta Airport Update!

       This morning, I got up at 7:30 AM. I woke up and all the Luggage was in the car. All of my friends were driving to the airport individually, so I left for the airport at 8:30 AM. I got to the airport right when Max got there. Caleb and Ben were there already, so we all went to check our bags. My mom had a lot of bags to check because she had things in there for the house. Caleb, Max, and Ben all had one bag to check. We had a total of 8 bags checked.

Checking our Bags!
Ready to go! 
About to leave!
      Everyone said goodbye to their parents, and we headed through security. We headed to our gate, then we got on our first airplane to go to Atlanta. When we got on the plane, we let Caleb sit at the window seat because he had never been on a plane before. We kept making jokes about how Caleb was scared because he had never been on a plane, but he really wasn't scared. He seemed to really enjoy the pane ride.

Happy Caleb!

         When we got to Atlanta, Me, Caleb, and Ben ate at the original "El Taco". Ben got nachos, and Caleb and I both got different types of Burritos. They were really good! After we ate at "El Taco" we went to another restaurant called "One Flew South" and Max got Sushi. That place was really fancy, and they had wines that caused $415!

The Original El Taco!!
Burritos from The Original El Taco!
"One Flew South" (Max had Sushi)
       We have a 6 hour layover in Atlanta, and then we have our final flight to Dublin, and were getting there in the morning! 




  1. Looks good have a good lau over get some sleep on the flight you won't be sorry you did

  2. Bon voyage! Hope you have a fantastic trip...
