Thursday, February 4, 2016

Friends to Ireland (#1)

      The first week after I get out of school, is the first week in June. My Dad is going to be taking me and my friends Max, Caleb, and Ben all to Ireland! My mom will be in Ireland all ready, and my Dad is going to take us on 2 planes to get there! Some of my friends haven't traveled on airplanes at all so everyone is very excited! My mom was able to get my friends passports renewed so that we could all go. We are all going to be sitting next to each other on the planes and its going to be really fun!!!1

     While we are in Ireland the first week of June, we are going to take lots of pictures, and maybe make some videos also. We are going to go to lots of cool places! One cool place that we are all really excited to go is Skelligs Rock. Skelligs Rock is the island where they filmed the last scene in Star Wars The Force Awakens! That island is in Ireland, and we are going to go there!! It is going to be really fun! I will do a separate post on Skelligs Rock since there is so much to talk about!


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