Saturday, March 12, 2016

Oma and Levis first trip to Ireland!!!

     This week, it was the first time that my brother Levi, and my Oma went to Ireland with my mom! They all stayed at an apartment by my moms work so she could get there easier. They looked at some houses to see where we were going to live. They got to ride the Dart for the first time in Dublin. The Dart stands for Dublin Area Rapid Transit. It is an electric rail system that makes it easy to get around Dublin. It comes every 15 minutes to any station so you dont have to wait that long, and it goes all over Dublin.

     My mom, Oma and Levi rode the dart all the way down to Bray Seaside Town and they went to an aquarium. Then, they went to go look at houses at Trafalgar Tarace, which is in Monkstown, Dublin.

Rode on the dart
Dublin Area Rapid Transit
All to bray seaside town
Went to an aquarium
Dulkey and had soup at the tramyard cafe
rode the dart back to Trafalgar tarace (connected houses) in monks-town

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