Monday, February 1, 2016

Where To Go #1 (Burren National Park & Cliffs of Moher)

             This is a blog about some cool places that I might want to visit when I go to Ireland. I am going to Ireland in April. I will be in Ireland from April 1-10. I am also going with my friends, Ben, Max, and Caleb the first week of June, after my school gets out. These are some cool places that I might want to go when I am there.

1. Cliffs of Moher

      The Cliffs of Moher, are HUGE cliffs that run for 8 km along the Atlantic coast. The cliffs highest point from the water to the top of the cliff is 214 meters (or 702 feet) This place has been a tourist attraction for many years, and it has an amazing view! From the cliffs, you can see the Aran Islands off of the coast. On the cliffs, there is a tower named the O'Brien Tower. Below, is Images of the Cliffs of Moher and a view from the O'Brien Tower.

This is the first picture of the Cliffs of Moher,
This shows the length of the Cliffs of Moher! Its huge!! 200 Meters tall!!
This is where the O'Brien Tower on the Cliffs of Moher is located. It has a great view of the Atlantic Ocean!!!
2. Burren National Park

      Burren National Park is a national park in Ireland. It has wild flowers, caves, and a lot of limestone and rocky places there. The word "Burren" comes from the word "Boireann" meaning rocky place. It is mostly rocky on the ground, and does not have a lot of soil on its ground. There is some cool stone statues made. Below, are images.

This is a cool Rock-like sculpture thing.
This is a birds-eve view of the park. As you can see, it is mostly rocky ground and little soil.
This is a cool part of Burren National Park. It has a lot of broken stones on the ground.

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