Saturday, March 3, 2018

Snow in Ireland!! (3 Snow Days!) - Birthday!!

From the beginning of the week, we have been hearing about this storm that was suppose to pass through Ireland and possibly bring snow. It was first called the "beast from the east" and now is called Storm Emma. Tuesday night it began to snow:

The night before Wednesday

It did not snow a lot, but it snowed a lot for Ireland, and in the morning I looked out my window and it looked like this:

I woke up before my alarm, because people were texting in the IB facebook chat about if we had school or not. It was about 6:40 AM or something like that. We had a little debate, and we concluded that school was probably canceled, and then somebody said that they just got a text from St. Andrews saying that there was no school. My mom walked in my room and told me also. It was suppose to continue to snow for the rest of the week, with really high winds. 

Me and Levi immediately ran over to the park across the street with my Mom to check out all the snow:

After we were done walking around the park, we went back inside. I suggested to Kim and Carolina that we meet at 8:45 AM to go and make a snowman in my park. I thought that they would suggest a later time and I was tired so I went back to sleep, but while I was sleeping they were let inside the house by my Mom and she told them that I was upstairs. Levi led them up to my room and woke me up. We then went across the street again to build a snowman. 

While we were making the snowman, it was snowing pretty hard, and it was very windy. The snow was not really good packing snow, but we made it work and we were able to make a very good snowman! 

Snowman face!
We had a snowball fight after we completed our snowman, and then we were really cold, so we went back inside. Kim and Carolina wanted to make hot chocolate, but I said that I did not have any Hot Chocolate powder, so we tried to make it a different way. We got some milk and put it in a pot over a flame on the stove. Once it was hot enough we proceeded to put chocolate chips into the pot and stir it around to mix it up. 

It tasted very chocolatey, probably because it was basically all chocolate chips melted into milk. It was still good, but after drinking it i had to get some water because of how sweet it tasted. My Mom and Levi came downstairs and we played some blackjack. Around 1:30 PM, my Mom walked us over to Chopped so I could get a wrap; Kim and Carolina were not hungry. We then split up and us 3 took the bus down to Dominiks house. 

At Dominiks house, we read a lot of his American children books that he had like 'Knuffle Bunny' and 'If you give a mouse a cookie'. After hanging out there for a while, we decided to go to the graffiti place since it was fairly close to Doms house. It was really cool once we got there, it looked much cleaner because there was snow on the ground: 

While we were there, Kim made a gorgeous snow angel:

After spending a bit there, we started to walk back to Doms house. It was getting colder and windier. The sidewalks were covered in ice, so it was very slippery on the walk back. It was about 5 PM once we got to his house, and I decided to leave so I could be home by 6 PM. The Dublin Bus sent out an email recently before that saying that they would stop all busses at 7 PM, and they would not run them on Thursday. 

I got home around 5:40 PM, and my Mom was on the phone with my Oma and Delta. Oma was suppose to be back Wednesday morning at 8 AM, but they flew her back to Amsterdam because of the storm in Ireland. She had to try to sort out Oma, and meanwhile I went down to Tesco to try to buy some groceries. My mom wanted some stuff to juice, but when I got to Tesco, a guy was holding the doors closed and told me the store was closed. 

All the stores were closed because of this storm, I dont really know why, maybe because they needed to take busses home. The roads were not covered in snow though, because there were cars constantly going on them. So I came back with no groceries, but we had tortellini for dinner. 

Thursday, Levi and I took the bottom ball of the snowman we had built the day before, and made a bigger snowman. I rolled the ball until I was unable to roll it any further, then we made the body and the head of the snowman. The snow was better packing snow on Thursday then it was on Wednesday. 


I also went down to Tesco on Thursday to try to get some food. For some reason, most of the shelves were completely empty. It looked like everybody was preparing for an apocalypse, because there was literally no food that I could get. I was only able to find some cucumbers and pears. 


For dinner Thursday night, my mom found a restaurant at the top of a hotel that was open. Most all other restaurants were closed because of the snow. It was not that far of a walk from our house, only about a 10 minute walk. Once we got there, we took the elevator to the top floor, because that was where the restaurant was. It had a 360 degree view of Dublin. It looked very pretty with the snow on everything.

For a starter I got a salad that had blue cheese, walnuts, different greens and some other tasty things, and chicken. It was very delicious:

(Homemade Smoked Chicken Salad, Bellingham Blue Cheese, Poached Pear, Walnut Dressing)

Next, I got a smoked brisket pizza with onions. It was very delicious, I ate 2/3rds of it by the end of the dinner. 

(Smoked Brisket, Mozzarella, Red Onion, BBQ Mustard)

For Dessert, I got a Crème brûlée that was lemon flavored. It was very delicious, and it came with a nice message because my Mom told our waiter that it was my birthday:

Levi got vanilla ice-cream with chocolate syrup and walnuts, and my Mom and I had a lot of his ice-cream also. After we finished our dessert, we started to walk back home. The walk back to our house was much windier, and snowier than the walk to the restaurant. The wind was crazy, and it continued like that all through the night. 

Friday morning, there was still snow everywhere, and it was still very windy. Tesco was closed the whole day, so we just stayed inside. We had dinner plans Friday night at a restaurant called Forest Avenue. I went with Isabel Bosch and her family. Dominik was suppose to come also, but he was not able to come in the end. My brother stayed at home alone. We met at the restaurant, my Mom and I walked since it was just over the canal, about a 5 minute walk. We were going to take a taxi because it was snowing and it was very windy, but there were no taxis for us to get. 

We got many different small dishes to try, I didn't take pictures of all of them but heres an idea:

This was a rhubarb dessert, it was delicious
This was a salted caramel filled chocolate

It was a very cool experience because there were so many different things to try and so many different tastes. After we finished our wonderful dinner, Isabel's family drove us back to our house and we played Levis favorite game 'Things'. Its basically where you pick a card and it has a question like 'things you would never tell your husband/wife' and then you answer the question on a piece of paper and the person tries to guess who answered what. It was a really funny game, and Levi showed Isabel how to play Just Cause 2. 

After we played that game for a while, Isabel and her family went home. I was pretty tired so I went to sleep.

Saturday morning, Oma was finally suppose to come home. I woke up at 7:30 AM to try to get a pair of shoes that I wanted to get, but I didn't end up getting them. I then went to see if Tesco was open around 9:30 AM, and it wasn't but spar was so I got some Milk. Around Noon, Oma got home and we were waiting for her. She was glad to be home, but her luggage was still yet to arrive to our house. 

February 26 - March 3, 2018