Wednesday morning, I woke up again to walk Levi to school. I got back home around 9 AM, and my dad arrived around 10:30 AM. I was waiting by the door to let him in, and we went up to my room and hung out. It was really fun to see him, he was pretty tired so after a couple hours, he took a nap while I went to get lunch at Chopped.
Around 3:30 PM he went to get Levi from School. They got home and we hung out, we got burritos for dinner from the burrito place close to our house. The next day, my dad walked Levi to school in the morning, and at around 1 PM, my dad and I went to take a bus to the cool graffiti place. I wanted to get some pictures there:

We took the bus back home after about 1 hour there. My dad went to go get Levi again. Over the weekend, we went to see Black Panther at Cineworld, it was very good! Sunday, we walked down to the Stevens Green shopping center just for fun. I got some new notebooks and a hot glue gun at Easons.
We took the bus back home after about 1 hour there. My dad went to go get Levi again. Over the weekend, we went to see Black Panther at Cineworld, it was very good! Sunday, we walked down to the Stevens Green shopping center just for fun. I got some new notebooks and a hot glue gun at Easons.
Friday the 23rd, I had a Spanish test, it was not as hard as I thought that it would be. I took the bus home with Dominik, Kim and Carolina. They all went out to eat, but I had a dinner planned with my brother and my Mom. I got home at around 4:30 PM, and we left around 5:15 PM to walk to our restaurant that was called 'Delahunt'. It is described as a contemporary Irish restaurant, it was very cozy. It used to be a shop, but it got turned into a restaurant.
The waiter told us the specials of the night, and I got the starter that he suggested and also the main course. The starter was a sweet potato soup and it had some onions and mushrooms in it also I think. It was very delicious, it tasted like pumpkin soup, which is delicious also. It came with a small sausage roll thing with some weird sauce.
They poured the soup into the bowl separately:
For my main course, I got gnocchi which is a dish of various small and soft dough dumplings, these specific ones were made out of potatoes, they were really delicious with the sauces and mushrooms they had with it. It was really interesting because there were so many different flavors on my plate.
After I finished eating my main course, I left to walk to the Bord Gais Energy Theater to go see Macbeth. It was about a 30 minute walk from Delahunt but I was able to get there a bit quicker. On the way there, it was pretty cold, and I ran into Chances dad at a bus stop so that was cool. I continued on, and got there about 10 minutes before Boan and Juho got there. Once they got there, we went in together and found our seats. It was a good play, and I followed the story-line and heard lines I remember learning from the book. The fighting scenes were really good. At the intermission, somebody from behind me called "Are you enjoying the play so far Jackson", and it turned out it was Ms. Devane. It was funny that I saw her there, she teaches half of the 5IB for English. After the play was over, Boans mother drove me home, which was really nice of her.
Saturday morning, I woke up at 9 AM; we had another beach clean-up to go to. We were going to Monkstown to do our clean up this time, it is a little more south than Booterstown. Many people came, and we started to pick-up trash and recycling in the parking lot of the Dart station. Then, we walked over a bridge that brought us to the beach. We walked on a sidewalk picking up trash for a bit, then we went onto the actual beach. We found a lot of trash including old blankets, clothes, and a lot of other things.
It was a very successful beach clean up, we got a full bag of trash and a full bag of recycling. Saturday night, we had a party at Jennas house to celebrate her fathers 50th birthday. Isabels mom drove us there which was very nice of her. Jenna lives very far away from anywhere, so it took a while to get there. The party was pretty fun we just chilled and listened to music and stuff and had some really delicious burgers.
We stayed until about midnight, then we all started to head home.
Sunday was a pretty chill day. I spent most of the day doing homework. At 5 PM, I met a lot of people in Dun Laoghaire to get some pictures for a brand that my friend Max started called 2020 Vision. We got some pretty good pictures, there was a lot of cool graffiti that we got pictures by.
February 15-25, 2018