Thursday November 2nd my Dad, Grandma, Levi and I went to get breakfast at Beanhive coffee. To start out, I got a blueberry muffin, which was much bigger than I thought it would be.
The Giant Blueberry Muffin! |
For breakfast I ordered the full Irish breakfast. It was a ton of food, but I pretty much ate all of it. It was very delicious, a great way to start the day.
After we were all finished eating our food that we ordered, my Dad and Grandma went to visit Trinity College Dublin, while Levi and I planned to go back to the Graffiti place. We went home before we went to the graffiti place so I could grab my spray paint, and we could get more layers on because it was a bit cold. We took the 145, and got off and walked to the place. I had made a ton of stencils the night before because I planned to go back to the place today with Levi. I had bought some cans of this temporary adhesive spray that helped me stick my stencils to the walls so I could to multiple at once. I had a ton of stencils to do so it helped me multitask.
I made this really cool Totoro stencil that I thought would be to tricky to cut out, but it actually turned out much better than I thought it would. I also had a lot of other cool stencils that were designs or just symbols. We got to the graffiti place around 2 PM. I did all of the stencils that I made the night before, which was 6.
Levi helped me a bit with holding some of the stencils down that were to small to spray with the adhesive. He had fun walking on top of the walls and metal bars.
Thursday night, my Dad and I went to the movie theater to see 'It'. It was really good, different than any other horror movies that I have seen. In other horror movies, most of the scary things are things that happen by surprise, but in this movie, the characters are actually scary, even without the surprise element. It was excellent!
Friday was a chill day, we did not go anywhere, but Saturday was very eventful. Around 11 AM, we all walked down to the Pearse dart station to take the dart to Dalkey because Dalkey is a cool town to visit. We went to a restaurant called the 1909 Restaurant & Wine bar. It was very close to the dart station, so we did not have to walk far. For a starter, I got a baked portobello mushroom on a crouton with a white wine parsley sauce on it. It was very delicious, and for my main course I got the Prime Hereford Fillet Steak.
Mushroom starter |
Levi found a perfect item on the menu for him which was French Toast. He got that, my dad got a dish with 2 different types of fish and my Grandma got the same thing I did. The steak was perfectly done, and I liked Levis fries that he ordered as a side. They came with this special mayonnaise that was really good, I love mayonnaise.
Saturday night, I went to a surprise birthday party for Miranda at Leighs house. Miranda joined St. Andrews this year, and she is from Puerto Rico. She is really nice, and a lot of people came to the party and it was very fun!
After the party, Alec and I went to his house and we got some Chinese food and started to watch Stranger Things 2. I had seen it already but I wanted to watch it again with him. We watched 3 episodes, then I went home around 2:30 AM.
Sunday November 5th, I used that day to finish a lot of homework for the upcoming week that I needed to finish. That night my Dad, Levi and I went to see another movie. We went to see 'The murder on the orient express'. It was a very different kind of movie than the movies that I am used to watching. I think that it was kind of boring in the middle, but overall it was pretty good. The end was the best part because we saw how everything came together and we find out who committed the murder.
We took the bus home, but we had not had dinner yet. We decided to have Indian food at the Indian restaurant right next to my house. We met Grandma at the restaurant. I tried a new dish at the Indian restaurant that included chicken meat and lamb meat. It was very good, along with the garlic naan bread that I ordered also.
Sunday night was the last night that my Dad and Grandma had with us, so that night my Dad and I hung out until around 11 PM. I had school the next day so I had to get to sleep. Monday morning, I said goodbye to both of them before I left for school. It was very fun having them over during the break.
Monday after school I had badminton, but I had no piano lesson because my teacher had to help with the junior choirs performance at the National Concert Hall that night. We rescheduled my lesson to Wednesday. Wednesday was a half day, so I sat in the cafeteria from 1:20-4:00 PM. I worked on my history essay. I also worked on some math with Molly.
I had my lesson at 4 PM, and after my lesson I took the bus to 'All City' which is a shop that sells spray paint because I needed some more different colors for a poster that I was making. I was going to make the cover of the book 'Oh the places you'll go' by Dr. Seuss.
After dinner Wednesday night, I started working on it. I printed out the cover multiple times and made a stencil of each color. I worked pretty late that night, and got most of the poster done. Thursday, I found out that the poster due date was moved to Monday, so I could have the weekend to finish it. That was nice so that Thursday, I could practice piano for the musical. I had rehearsals Saturday from 5:30 PM to 8 PM, and then on Sunday from 10-5 PM.
Friday November 10th after school, I went home to practice piano for the Musical. Around 6 PM I went over to Alecs house. We got pizza from Pizza Hut and watched a few more episodes of Stranger Things 2. I would say we have 3 or 4 more to go until we have season 2 finished. It was very fun, and we looked at cool clothes and stuff. We devoured that pizza, it was so delicious especially with ranch. I took a taxi home around midnight.
Saturday, I had to be at St. Andrews at 10 AM for another beach cleanup with the marine conservation club. It was our second beach clean up, and it was more successful than the first one. We walked down from the school to the beach, and got a ton of trash on the way. We got a lot of trash on the beach also. Jenna, Chance and I walked straight away from the beach into the Dublin Bay. It was low tide, so we could walk very far into the bay.
This is what the water looks like at low tide |
After we were finished with our beach cleanup, we put our supplies back in the school. While we were doing that, Chance was getting us garlic bread. We sat on a bench near the park by the Dart station and had garlic bread with ranch, and it was delicious. We then continued to walk to Starbucks to meet the other people that went straight there after we were done with the beach clean up. I got a Mango Black Tea Lemonade, and it was very refreshing. I then walked with Carolina and Chance to the Dart station so that we could get home.
Once I got home, I practiced piano for the rehearsal, then took the bus to rehearsal with Molly. It was from 5-8:30 PM. After it was over, Me, Juho, Yonghwa, Sophie and I all went to Gleesons to get some dinner. We stayed there until about 10:30 PM, then I walked with Yonghwa to the bus then went home.
-November 2-11, 2017