Right after I returned from Vietnam, I had to quickly make sure I had everything in order for the Litter to Glitter "trashion" show or fashion show. This was the event organized mainly by Rosie and Isabel where there were many outfits designed by people with only trash / recyclable items. Boan and I designed an outfit for Juho, who was our model. I had to make sure I had the pants finished for Juho after returning to Ireland.
Wednesday the 11th of April was the big night. I had brought clothes to school that day since I was not going home and coming back to school because I had a piano lesson that day. Right after school was finished on that Wednesday, I went to the Senior Hall to help everyone set up for the show. I wrapped a table in newspaper and I began to set up the decorations on the wall. I had my piano lesson at 4 and after that I changed into my clothes I would be wearing for the show. I went back to the Senior Hall and we finished setting up. The hall was decorated very well.

The stage was decorated with many sea animals and there were two giant jellyfish hanging on the left and right of the stage made from umbrellas and other recyclable materials.

The show began at 7:00 PM. There were many people who came to watch, even our English teacher Mr. Reidy. The show consisted of the main pieces which were the outfits designed by people made out of the recycled materials. There were also some headpieces made, and some other vintage clothes shown off from sponsors of the show. Here were some of the highlights. These are all outfits made out of completely recycled materials.

Pierce's outfit won the 'most wearable' outfit. This was his outfit. He used jeans for the arms, I thought that his outfit was amazing, it looks the most wearable also.

April 25th, my Mom, Levi, Oma and I all went to see the play Matilda at the Bord Gais Energy Theater. Before we went there we went to Lucio's Restaurant for dinner. It is an Italian restaurant and serves very good pizza and is located quite close to the Bord Gais Energy Theater.

I got Ice Cream for dessert, and after we all finished our food, we walked to the Bord Gais Theater. We went inside and scanned our tickets, then found our seats. We had really good seats, located almost right in the center and really close to the stage.

The Musical was very good, there was a technical difficulty interruption in the middle of it, but it was an amazing musical. After we saw it we walked back to our house.
Saturday April 28th, my Mom and I went out to eat with Isabel Bosch and her mother at a restaurant called Glovers Alley. It is located right on Stevens Green and is a fine dining restaurant. When I walked into the restaurant I just loved the mood and the way that it looked overall.

There were a lot of tall skinny mirrors that were around that I loved. There were basically two sides to the menu, you could either choose 3 courses or you could choose the tasting menu. I chose the tasting menu because I did not want to have to decide between what food I wanted to eat. I am glad that I chose the tasting menu because it was very delicious.

I took pictures of all the food that I ate so I could document it on this Blog (it is a bunch of small dishes since it is a tasting menu):

It was the perfect amount of food, and after that meal I was very full. I have decided that it is my favorite restaurant in Ireland, and my friend Tony and I are going to go there when he visits me in June! After we finished eating and chatting, we all left the restaurant and went home but not before taking a selfie.

The next night, Sunday April 29th I was a bit hungry so around 9 or 10 PM I decided to make myself some Guacamole to eat. I was making a ton of guacamole recently after I found out that I could actually make guacamole that tasted pretty good.

Some time during the following week, I met up with my old friend Stephen who used to go to St. Andrews College last year. He left the school to go to a new school for 5th year so it was good to see him again. The days were very warm so we got ice cream and sat in the park.

On the 5th of May, my Mom and I went to a new restaurant close to Temple Bar named Pichet. It is a French restaurant, and I ordered a Duck Breast, it was a darker kind of meat. It was good, I liked the potato things that came with it. For dessert I had to order the crème brûlée.

The dessert was so delicious, anytime i see crème brûlée on the dessert menu, I usually end up ordering it. The next night, Sunday May 6th, Juho, Boan, Yonghwa, Bikem, my Mom and I all went out for dinner together. Boan chose the restaurant, called Hailan Chinese and Korean Restaurant. It was a very delicious meal that we had, and it was a very fun night, here's a picture that I made.
After we were finished eating, we got some bubble tea at a nearby place. Then, we walked back through Temple Bar and dropped of Kim at her house and then everyone went home, and my Mom, Juho and I went back to my house because Juho was spending the night. That night when we got home, Juho and I stayed up until about 1 AM just talking and we eventually fell asleep on the couches in the room next to the piano room.
In the morning, it was Monday, May 7th but we did not have school since it was a bank holiday. Juho and I worked a lot on our Physics Internal Assessments during the day. They were due in 2 days time, and we got a lot done from about 10 AM to Noonish. That day Alec texted me and said that him and Steven and Tiernan were going to be in town. Around 1ish, Juho and I walked down to the Stevens Green Shopping Center to get some lunch, we got lunch at different places. Juho got a burger from Eddie Rockets and I got a chicken burger from this restaurant that I had never tried before. My food was very delicious.

Wednesday the 11th of April was the big night. I had brought clothes to school that day since I was not going home and coming back to school because I had a piano lesson that day. Right after school was finished on that Wednesday, I went to the Senior Hall to help everyone set up for the show. I wrapped a table in newspaper and I began to set up the decorations on the wall. I had my piano lesson at 4 and after that I changed into my clothes I would be wearing for the show. I went back to the Senior Hall and we finished setting up. The hall was decorated very well.

The stage was decorated with many sea animals and there were two giant jellyfish hanging on the left and right of the stage made from umbrellas and other recyclable materials.
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Juho, Boan, Yonghwa and I before the show began. |
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Juho showing off his outfit before the show. |

The show began at 7:00 PM. There were many people who came to watch, even our English teacher Mr. Reidy. The show consisted of the main pieces which were the outfits designed by people made out of the recycled materials. There were also some headpieces made, and some other vintage clothes shown off from sponsors of the show. Here were some of the highlights. These are all outfits made out of completely recycled materials.
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Juho walking on the runway in Me and Boans outfit. |

Pierce's outfit won the 'most wearable' outfit. This was his outfit. He used jeans for the arms, I thought that his outfit was amazing, it looks the most wearable also.

Overall the Litter to Glitter show was a huge success, and I am so glad that I could be involved in it.
April 25th, my Mom, Levi, Oma and I all went to see the play Matilda at the Bord Gais Energy Theater. Before we went there we went to Lucio's Restaurant for dinner. It is an Italian restaurant and serves very good pizza and is located quite close to the Bord Gais Energy Theater.
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This is the pizza that I ordered. |

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Inside of Lucio's |

I got Ice Cream for dessert, and after we all finished our food, we walked to the Bord Gais Theater. We went inside and scanned our tickets, then found our seats. We had really good seats, located almost right in the center and really close to the stage.

The Musical was very good, there was a technical difficulty interruption in the middle of it, but it was an amazing musical. After we saw it we walked back to our house.
Saturday April 28th, my Mom and I went out to eat with Isabel Bosch and her mother at a restaurant called Glovers Alley. It is located right on Stevens Green and is a fine dining restaurant. When I walked into the restaurant I just loved the mood and the way that it looked overall.

There were a lot of tall skinny mirrors that were around that I loved. There were basically two sides to the menu, you could either choose 3 courses or you could choose the tasting menu. I chose the tasting menu because I did not want to have to decide between what food I wanted to eat. I am glad that I chose the tasting menu because it was very delicious.

I took pictures of all the food that I ate so I could document it on this Blog (it is a bunch of small dishes since it is a tasting menu):

It was the perfect amount of food, and after that meal I was very full. I have decided that it is my favorite restaurant in Ireland, and my friend Tony and I are going to go there when he visits me in June! After we finished eating and chatting, we all left the restaurant and went home but not before taking a selfie.

The next night, Sunday April 29th I was a bit hungry so around 9 or 10 PM I decided to make myself some Guacamole to eat. I was making a ton of guacamole recently after I found out that I could actually make guacamole that tasted pretty good.

Some time during the following week, I met up with my old friend Stephen who used to go to St. Andrews College last year. He left the school to go to a new school for 5th year so it was good to see him again. The days were very warm so we got ice cream and sat in the park.

On the 5th of May, my Mom and I went to a new restaurant close to Temple Bar named Pichet. It is a French restaurant, and I ordered a Duck Breast, it was a darker kind of meat. It was good, I liked the potato things that came with it. For dessert I had to order the crème brûlée.

The dessert was so delicious, anytime i see crème brûlée on the dessert menu, I usually end up ordering it. The next night, Sunday May 6th, Juho, Boan, Yonghwa, Bikem, my Mom and I all went out for dinner together. Boan chose the restaurant, called Hailan Chinese and Korean Restaurant. It was a very delicious meal that we had, and it was a very fun night, here's a picture that I made.

After we were finished eating, we got some bubble tea at a nearby place. Then, we walked back through Temple Bar and dropped of Kim at her house and then everyone went home, and my Mom, Juho and I went back to my house because Juho was spending the night. That night when we got home, Juho and I stayed up until about 1 AM just talking and we eventually fell asleep on the couches in the room next to the piano room.
In the morning, it was Monday, May 7th but we did not have school since it was a bank holiday. Juho and I worked a lot on our Physics Internal Assessments during the day. They were due in 2 days time, and we got a lot done from about 10 AM to Noonish. That day Alec texted me and said that him and Steven and Tiernan were going to be in town. Around 1ish, Juho and I walked down to the Stevens Green Shopping Center to get some lunch, we got lunch at different places. Juho got a burger from Eddie Rockets and I got a chicken burger from this restaurant that I had never tried before. My food was very delicious.

After we were finished eating, we met up with Stephen, Alec and Tiernan and got some Ice Cream. We walked through the park and then Juho and I went back to my house. Soon after, Juho packed up and went back to his house.
Saturday, May 12th, Juho, Boan, Yonghwa and I had signed up for this biking thing where we were biking in order to raise money for a children's hospital in Saigon which is in Vietna, so obviously I signed up. Our time was at 2 PM, and we cycled for 30 minutes straight which sounds easier than it actually is. Many people from IB signed up to do this event actually, more than half of the class.
We were pretty tired after we finished biking, and I walked back home while Juho, Yonghwa and Boan went to Arisu to get some food.
The next day, May 13th my Mom and I went out to eat at this really nice restaurant called Amuse, which is about a 10 minute walk from our house and close to Stevens Green. It was a fairly small restaurant, but the food was delicious. My Mom and I both ordered the 5 course menu, and it was a good thing that we did because we were both very full after that meal and wouldn't have been able to have the 9 courses.
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Striploin of A4 Kagoshima Wagyu Beef![]() |
The final dish that we had, the Wagyu Beef was the best beef I have ever tasted. It was beef imported from Japan and it was just so delicious.
May 18th, Friday night my Mom and I went to this restaurant called One Pico. It is described as "Innovative combinations of French technique and Irish produce served in an 18th-century coach house". It is right off of Kildare street kind of tucked away in a small alley.

The dinner overall was very delicious, the things I liked most out of that meal were the different kinds of cheeses, the beef and the passion fruit soufflé. After we were finished we walked back home.
Friday May 25th, Juho had planned another Karaoke, and it was the last one of the year. Alec and I met up after school at my house that day, and I texted Juho and told him to join us and we could grab dinner before Karaoke. Juho eventually arrived at my house and we wanted to go to Brothers Dosirak for dinner, but we did not have enough time because it was 5:30 and Karaoke started at 6:30 PM. We just stopped at KFC on the way to the place.

We met everyone in front of the Karaoke place and waited until we had a lot of people then went inside.

The night was very fun, Juho and I sung many songs along with everybody else. We were in Karaoke from about 6:45 until 9:45 PM. It seemed very late when we finished Karaoke, but when we walked outside it was still a bit light outside, and we went to a place across the street to get some more food. This is what I ordered, Dom was nice enough to pay for my meal.

My meal was very delicious, and after we all ate we all went home. The next day was May 26th, the Saturday after the Friday: the big voting day to see if the 8th amendment would remain or be repealed. The Irish 8th amendment banned abortion but on Friday the public voted to repeal the 8th amendment. It was a very exciting day for everyone because there had been "yes" and "no" signs all over Dublin for the past month or so, and its amazing to see the transition of Ireland to repeal the 8th amendment.
That same day, I had organized a picnic at the park across the street from my house. A ton of people showed up and we had a lot of food.

Tuesday May 29th, I received my Piano Results. I got 91 points out of 100 and was awarded Distinction. I was pretty pleased. This was the last week of school in Ireland I would be having. Tuesday during the day we worked on our Group 4 project which is basically just an experiment we do as a group and then do a presentation about it. In my group was Miranda, Natali and Jenna. Our presentation was on Thursday.
Wednesday May 30th was a half day, and Rosie had planned a barbecue at her house for a group of us. We first went to Rosies house to drop off our stuff and we got changed into our swimsuits. Then we walked down to the 40 foot which is this place where you can jump off of a rock into the water. Most people only jumped once or twice except for Sophie and I, we jumped probably 5-6 times. Here are some pictures:

The water was freezing. After we were all done jumping, we walked back to Rosie's house. There, we had burgers and played pingpong, bounced on the trampoline, and listened to music. I played Rosie's brother in pingpong a lot, he beat me every time. We also swung on the swing set. At around 7 PM, we all left and got on the Dart to go home.
Thursday was our Group 4 presentation. Jenna, Natali, Miranda and I all got into school early to finalize our presentation and discuss what we were each going to say. The presentations started at 9 AM, and we presented at 10 AM. It went better than I thought it would which is good, but it isn't graded so it really doesn't matter. At 11:30 AM, I met Ms. Gavin and my Mom for a meeting. For about 3 hours we just talked about SAT scores, and colleges and things like that. It went well, and my Mom and I went home at around 2 PM. It was very hot out when we took the bus home.
April 11 - May 31
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This was my starter: Seared Scallops, Crab Bisque, Summer Truffle, Stuffed Courgette Flower |
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My Main: Fillet of Beef, Wye Valley Asparagus, Wild Garlic, Veal Sweetbread |
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My Moms main dish |
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My Mom and I shared 4 different types of cheeses from different places. |
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Dessert: Passion Fruit Soufflé |

The dinner overall was very delicious, the things I liked most out of that meal were the different kinds of cheeses, the beef and the passion fruit soufflé. After we were finished we walked back home.
Friday May 25th, Juho had planned another Karaoke, and it was the last one of the year. Alec and I met up after school at my house that day, and I texted Juho and told him to join us and we could grab dinner before Karaoke. Juho eventually arrived at my house and we wanted to go to Brothers Dosirak for dinner, but we did not have enough time because it was 5:30 and Karaoke started at 6:30 PM. We just stopped at KFC on the way to the place.

We met everyone in front of the Karaoke place and waited until we had a lot of people then went inside.

The night was very fun, Juho and I sung many songs along with everybody else. We were in Karaoke from about 6:45 until 9:45 PM. It seemed very late when we finished Karaoke, but when we walked outside it was still a bit light outside, and we went to a place across the street to get some more food. This is what I ordered, Dom was nice enough to pay for my meal.

My meal was very delicious, and after we all ate we all went home. The next day was May 26th, the Saturday after the Friday: the big voting day to see if the 8th amendment would remain or be repealed. The Irish 8th amendment banned abortion but on Friday the public voted to repeal the 8th amendment. It was a very exciting day for everyone because there had been "yes" and "no" signs all over Dublin for the past month or so, and its amazing to see the transition of Ireland to repeal the 8th amendment.
That same day, I had organized a picnic at the park across the street from my house. A ton of people showed up and we had a lot of food.

Tuesday May 29th, I received my Piano Results. I got 91 points out of 100 and was awarded Distinction. I was pretty pleased. This was the last week of school in Ireland I would be having. Tuesday during the day we worked on our Group 4 project which is basically just an experiment we do as a group and then do a presentation about it. In my group was Miranda, Natali and Jenna. Our presentation was on Thursday.
Wednesday May 30th was a half day, and Rosie had planned a barbecue at her house for a group of us. We first went to Rosies house to drop off our stuff and we got changed into our swimsuits. Then we walked down to the 40 foot which is this place where you can jump off of a rock into the water. Most people only jumped once or twice except for Sophie and I, we jumped probably 5-6 times. Here are some pictures:

The water was freezing. After we were all done jumping, we walked back to Rosie's house. There, we had burgers and played pingpong, bounced on the trampoline, and listened to music. I played Rosie's brother in pingpong a lot, he beat me every time. We also swung on the swing set. At around 7 PM, we all left and got on the Dart to go home.
Thursday was our Group 4 presentation. Jenna, Natali, Miranda and I all got into school early to finalize our presentation and discuss what we were each going to say. The presentations started at 9 AM, and we presented at 10 AM. It went better than I thought it would which is good, but it isn't graded so it really doesn't matter. At 11:30 AM, I met Ms. Gavin and my Mom for a meeting. For about 3 hours we just talked about SAT scores, and colleges and things like that. It went well, and my Mom and I went home at around 2 PM. It was very hot out when we took the bus home.
April 11 - May 31